Tag Archives: what if

Asking The Right Questions

Question-  a sentence worded or expressed to elicit information.

questionOne of the most extraordinary powers is to create questions because our minds have no choice but to answer. It will keep working on a problem in the background, even when doing something else. Most people don’t realize the power this gives them because asking yourself the right questions will lead you to the answers that will enhance or limit your life.

So it would help if you learned to ask the right questions to receive the results you want to see in your life. This takes practice and an awareness of the types of questions you are already asking yourself daily. Evaluate if they are helpful or harmful questions and make changes accordingly. Your mind will help you find the answers, and it starts with being conscious of your words, thoughts, and actions when it comes to the questions you ask yourself and how you ask them.

What Can Questions Do For Me?

Let’s not waste our time. The questions to ask will bring something to your life, and it will be positive or negative for you, so make sure you ask yourself the right questions. More intelligent people than me have stated it, and if questionyou have a “why” that is big enough, the hows take care of themselves. This is another way of saying, ask a question about something you want, then focus on the actions you can take to bring the answer into reality.

So if you want to gain riches, fame, or love, it will all start with a question. Why do you want what you want? How do I get it? Why don’t I have it already? All of these will get you moving toward the answers. People suggest you ask questions before you go to sleep at night, and your mind will work on answering them for you in the morning. Be careful with the questions because you have to be willing to accept the answers. If you never ask the question, you will never get an answer, and that is what questions can do for you, give you the power to find all the answers.

 Good Questions

There are many questions people will ask themselves, and they will questionbe as individual as the people themselves. Here are a few to get you started if you need them.

What experiences do I want to have in the world?    How do I want to grow? What is a list of ways I will contribute to the world? What is it that I want? What is holding me back? How can I best improve myself? Answer all of these honestly and in detail, and it will give you a path toward the place you need to be. All of this questioning should lead to a life that makes you happy. If you are not currently satisfied and happy with your life, you need to start asking yourself some different questions.

Your Power

Remember, your power is always to ask questions, gain answers, and questiongrow from these experiences. Asking questions should never stop and continue throughout your journey. It is happening, even if you are unconsciously doing it. Take control of your questions today, and provide your life with the existence you want. It begins with a conscious awareness of how questions affect your life right now and starts by looking at your thoughts, words, and actions.

Without a good question, you can’t get a good answer. 

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau


Life Challenges

highwireIt is fantastic that life continually puts you into situations that challenge and change you. It is also eye-opening that I continue to be surprised by this. Yet here I am, looking at what I want to create, standing on the precipice of going for it and tentatively cringing.

It is not rare, I think, for people to feel this way. When you look at most people, they have put their real goals and dreams aside to accept living in a rut of consistency and security that life provides. Safe is the choice, but we still have ideas that we are not acting on. Today I am looking to move and am encouraging you to come with me.

See Your Fear

We should be good friends with fear by now in life. It has been a constant our entire lives. How we have reacted to it has changed through our life, but still, it is always there knocking at the door of your thoughts with those two little limiting words…………… What if?

I could attempt my dream, but what if……….

….it doesn’t work?

……….I fail?

……………………I look stupid?

………………………….., the world laughs at me?

…………………………………………….I am not good enough? etc., etc., etc.

These are the seeds of doubt, driven by fear that paralyze us into taking no action at all toward what we want to be. The only difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who do not is a willingness to take action and see what happens.

If it doesn’t work? You will gain experience and knowledge to allow it to work the next time. If you fail, then you learn and know. Joy and freedom are the results of bettering yourself and reaching your dreams. This effort is never wasted. Not growing the talent inside of you and seeing what you can do would be a waste of energy.

What if the world laughs? The world won’t laugh. The world will continue to exist, much as it did before, with the single exception that someone living there has provided their unique contribution, and now it is a slightly better place.

What if you are not good enough? A leftover doubt from childhood and time to get rid of this fear. Why wouldn’t you be good enough? If you can conceive of a thing, you can create that thing. If others don’t accept it, then that is their problem. The beauty of the building isn’t any less.

So on this thoughtful day, let us choose to evaluate who we are, see where we would like to be on a personal, financial, physical, and spiritual level, and then be brave enough to take those first tentative steps toward those goals.

The only way to know if you can cross that high wire is to try and see if you make it to the other side.

Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.” Walt Disney

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” Henry David Thoreau

We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses, but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.” Steve Maraboli


What If

What If…….

what-ifThere are questions we ask ourselves all of our lives that can haunt us if we let them. What if that decision was wrong? What if I shouldn’t have done that? What if I had tried out for the chess team in high school? What if I said yes?

There are a million of these questions that can consume your time. Still, they don’t add up to anything in the end because the fact is whatever you are “what if-ing” about didn’t happen, will never happen, and so should concern you about as much as what the weather was in Borneo in the year 1656.

There are many other what-ifs you can worry about that could make a difference in the world, and I think I would instead focus on those.

What if ………..

kind wordsOne kind word from you could make someone else’s day or even save their life. You never know the storm that is brewing underneath the surface of anyone.

Their surface smile could be hiding a storm of emotions below.  One kind word or gesture could be the human contact they needed to keep moving forward. There are many words we let slide with no thought or regard for their destination and potential impact. Speak as if your words could save a life. What if that were so?

What if………….

gratefulInstead of thinking about the things we don’t have, we spent time being grateful for the things we do have. I have seen people make gratitude lists, and it changes the way they look at the world. Gratitude has the power to transform the way you feel about things.

They do not have to be monumental, giant things, be thankful for the little things.  Being alive, a peanut butter sandwich, coffee, or whatever little things bring you comfort and joy throughout your day.  In most philosophies, gratitude is the key to abundance. What if we all were a bit more grateful?

What if………….

Bring down the barriers that enslave us all freedom is priceless to all creaturesThere were no separations between people. That means that nobody grouped anybody. Instead of being sectioned off because of your age, nationality, economic status, or color of your skin, recognize we are all members of one group, human beings.

When you look for differences among people, you find separation. Separation is the first step toward discrimination because it creates us vs. them mentality. The smaller the circle of us becomes, the more likely we are to have a problem.

This is true for any conflict of every size, including the race riots of the 1960s to economic conflicts of today. What if there were no separations between people, just people?

What if………….

governmentThe people who were elected to represent the people represented the well-being of the people.  In the United States, the government and big business have become synonymous in a definition.

What if that wasn’t the case, and they were focused on helping people who live here as much as they are concerned about helping themselves.

Should any person in our country be hungry? Should any person have to fear suffering from domestic violence? Is there any good reason that the educational system is broken beyond repair? Children treated with kindness and hope would change the world.   What if we had a representative government that represented the people and not big business?

What if………..

urlPeople spent more time using the most potent force in the universe, love. Instead of choosing to participate in activities like gossip, discrimination, judgments of others, or worrying about what is in it for me?  Imagine spending their time focusing on understanding, kindness, acceptance, and what they can do for others.

How different would the lives of every person be if they spent all of their effort on spreading loving-kindness? Hatred can only be defeated by love, not more hate. What if people spent more time thinking and acting with respect?

What if it is a question that we can ask all of the time? Some inquiries can be used to hold us back or be used as a catalyst to find the best in ourselves and others.