Tag Archives: Young People

Change in World

What I would change about the World

If there were one thing that I could change about the World, it would be to

you're not good enough
Messages people receive every day

remove the thought, “I’m not good enough,” from the thought process of everyone in the World.

This single thought has managed to cause more damage than any other in the history of humanity, and if people are honest, every person has entertained this thought at one time or another.

The fact of the matter is that if we could remove this thought, people would experience higher self-esteem and be free to be the best person that they can be without feeling wrong about things like your body style, wealth, or social standing.

This is particularly true with our young people who have to deal with a hyper-critical world that broadcasts images of perfection that nobody could ever possibly live up to.

 Build a Positive Body Image

You are what you want to be!

Body image is a huge factor that people face throughout their lives.  Instead of focusing on the content of the character of the individuals our society is producing, our media is constantly bombarding our young people with images that tell them what they should consider beautiful.

The problem is that the image is unattainable for 95% of the population, if not more.  The message that people receive is that you are not good enough because you are too heavy, you are too short, or you don’t have the right clothes.

These images make great people feel wrong about things that they can’t help.  There seems to be no way to go backward and send a different message to our kids because the messages we send them are not very positive ones.

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody is going to be truly happy until they accept themselves as they are and realize that they are fantastic just like they are. Your character is not measured by how you look, how much you weigh, or what clothes you wear.

Anyone who says any different is trying to build themselves up by knocking you down.  These people have feelings of not being good enough and are trying to compensate by putting you down. YOU are fantastic!

Follow Your Passion to A Career

you are good enough
Love Yourself

Some people have heard the message that they are not good enough in their heads so much that they have decided to prove the world wrong!

They strive to show them all by becoming the most successful and wealthy that they can become.  By accumulating the “Best” job and making lots of money, to buy many, many things, surely that will prove that they are good enough?

Surely they are successful, and they are valuable and worthy to themselves and society.

The sad truth is that you can own everything in the World, but if you don’t accept yourself as you are, and love that person, you will never be happy, no matter how much money you have.

You will be good enough when you stop listening to the judgments of others and embrace the goodness inside of you.  Choose a job that you are passionate about, and you will not only be happy, but you will most likely find financial success as well.

Don’t Give Up on Your Greatness.

There is another group that has heard the message that you’re not good enough, and they have simply embraced the message and decided that there is no way to feel good about yourself, so they have hidden in a mask of drug addiction.

It doesn’t matter if the drug is alcohol or crystal meth, the result is the same, there is a fundamental dislike of the way that they feel about themselves, they will never be good enough like they are: so why try?  This attitude has led to an epidemic of young, vital, great people throwing their potential away because they simply didn’t feel good enough.

Once you are into that lifestyle, it seems nearly impossible to get out of it.  It all begins because a person hears the voice in their head tell them that they are not good enough.

Reach for the Stars, and You Might Hit the Moon

For most people, the message that “you’re not good enough,” will be a constant, pervading message that will serve to keep you from reaching your potential, or significantly diminish your ability to enjoy the things that you do.

Sometimes you may find that you don’t try something because you have been so conditioned that you don’t have the talent or ability to work.  The truth is that all of us have the potential to do almost anything we want to do, from getting rich to be famous, but we lack the confidence and belief in ourselves to follow through and make it happen.

If you live your life thinking that there is no way that I could be super successful, is there any wonder that it never happens?  Every person is born with an unlimited amount of potential to achieve whatever they desire, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to remember what that talent was.

It is the fear that we actually might prove that we aren’t good enough that stops us from trying or doing many things.  Let go of that fear, and there are no limits to what you might be able to accomplish.

So if I could change one thing about the World, it would be to remove the thought “I’m not good enough” from the minds of everybody and replace it with  You are a great human soul with unlimited potential.

“As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”– Audrey Hepburn 

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”– Denzel Washington 

“Peace begins with a smile.”– Mother Teresa

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”– Mahatma Gandhi

Get Busy Living

If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

824608195_6804595553_940581fe4e_xlargePerception has a lot to do with the way that we live.  We all walk through life with no real idea when the game is going to be over and our flame will be snuffed out.

I think that when you are young you don’t often think about death too much because in all likelihood you are going to have many years before that becomes relevant to you. Yet there is no way of knowing.

 I would like to think that I would not change very much because since I am already over that span, I think each day would be just awesome.  I feel that way now.  But what might have changed earlier in life?

Would Life have Meant More?

There is no doubt that the time that we spend growing up or finding ourselves would have to be somewhat shorter.  I know of others who are like me, and found that it takes some skill to play this game called life.  What your think and do for and to others matters.

live like ur dieing I doubt that people would put off the experience of becoming parents, because there is no time to put it off to.  Those days in your twenties now when you can spend time just partying and letting everything take care of itself would have to be reduced or maybe even eliminated.  The days that you do have would be more relevant and meaningful. So much more would need to be packed into less years.

I know this because I can feel it myself right now, as I look ahead and realize how fragile life is and that mine could be over any moment.  This realization becomes clearer and more imperative as each day passes.

 I think I would cherish each and every day as I aged through my thirties, making sure I was at peace with the world and at peace with myself.

Below is a video about The Oldest Man in Pilgrim Village.

Change in Education

Rather than continually groom us to be ready some day to contribute to society, I think the system would have to be streamlined in order for those who are gifted and motivated to actually start to accomplish something as soon as they can.

Perhaps this thought should be taught?
Perhaps this thought should be taught?

Rather than be forced through a system that is outdated and antiquated, young people and parents would have a real motivation to find a purpose for their life at least twice as fast as they do now.  We would still need doctors, yet it would seem counter productive by using our current system, by the time they graduated, many would simply die.  People would have to rethink the cookie cutter education and brain washing we current perpetuate.

Would Conformity be Important

I wonder is people would worry about fitting in so much if lives were about half as long as they are now?  Personally, the feeling that I have developed over the past two years, that life is too short to worry about what somebody else thinks about me, would have occurred to me much earlier on in life.

Perhaps the whole enlightenment that many people experience in their 40’s would be moved up because what would be the point of life, if we never realized there was a point to life?

On the other hand, conformity may be your best chance to thrive and survive a bit longer.  Fitting in can fool a lot of people for a long time.

Wisdom at a Premium

Finally I think that wisdom and the thoughts that lead to an understanding of life, whether through the spoken word or through art would be non-existent   Even though many people are very intelligent, early in life, few of these have any understanding of the deeper questions in life.

dance_like_no_one_is_watching_by_eat_at_joes_56Who are you? What is heaven? Why is love important? How should you treat others?  I can’t say I am an expert in any of these questions, yet I can clearly state that they are things I contemplate now which I never even conceived of back before I turned 40.

Since this is my writing and I only have my experience to go by, I believe that the thoughts of the wise in this society where 40 was the average lifespan.

To conclude this little dream, I would simply state that the average lifespan is in the 70’s. You may be close to this or far away. It is your responsibility to yourself to decide how you will live your life.  I hope that whatever those decisions entail, family, friends  politics, law school, or whatever that you pursue them with all of the enthusiasm and vigor that you possibly can.

If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

Live like you were dyin’

  • If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?